Lions Club > Chronicle


1998, 1999

February 4th, 1998: Initial meeting February 13th, 1999: Charter night

19.5.1999 Tennis tournement against local Rotary Club
5.6.1999 Summer Spa Seasons Opening, fashion show, Juniales
11. - 19.7.1999 Lions Youth Exchange 2 stundents from Israel in Piešťany
09.1999 D 122 Tennis Tournament at Carldsbad

4.12.1999 Swing Music Evening + St.Nicolaus Evening for disabled children

11. - 19.12.1999 Selling of X-mas Punch


17.12.2000 Návšteva Prezidenta LCI 2000/2001 Dr.Jeana Behara v Piešťanoch

12.2.2000 1. Anniversary of Charter Night with 2nd Representative Ball
03.06.2000 Summer Spa Season´s Openning,Fashion show - Juniales at Hotel Eden
22.7.-5.8.2000 Assistance to LC Istropolis by organisation of Summer Youth Camp at Piešťany
8.-9.9.2000 Tennis tournement D 122 at Carlsbad
23.9.2000 Tennis tournement against Rotary Club Piešťany
24.11.2000 Visit by LC Istropolis Bratislava - 10th anniversary of it´s Charter Night
1.12.2000 St.Nicolaus Evening for disabled children at The Green Tree Sanatorium
9.12.2000 Assistance to Rotary Club Piešťany by beneficial concert
17.12.2000 Visit of LCI President 2000/2001 Dr.Jaen Behar in Piešťany
16.,17. and 23.12.2000 Christmas Punch selling


10.2.2001 2nd Anniversary of Charter Night LC Piešťany - Beneficial Ball

July 21st - August 4th, 2001 Lions Youth Camp at Piešťany


LC 2009 ball - foto